Tag: Indigenous Peoples

Restorying Landscapes in a Changing Climate

‘Restorying Landscapes in a Changing Climate’ explores how artists and culture bearers can support communities in building long-term climate resilience and regenerating their ecosystems, both in the UK and the Philippines. This project is a collaboation between the Living Story Landscapes Project, the Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking, and One Resilient Earth, with the support of the British Council.

Cooking as Love and Life

Cooking for me became a way to connect to happiness and to life – my first conscious exercise. You have to eat to be alive, and if you cook, you can give yourself the things you and other people love. Being very connected to the core of life is what cooking and eating means for me.

Launching ‘Re-story-ing Landscapes in a Changing Climate’

Join the virtual launch of ‘Restorying Landscapes in a Changing Climate’, on Friday 29 July at 1pm CET, and discover our new creative project in collaboration with the Living Story Landscapes Project (Philippines), and the Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking (United Kingdom).

Listening to Nemonte Nenquimo in Bonn

Come and listen to Nemonte Nenquimo, Indigenous Waorani leader, winner of the United Nations’ Champions of the Earth Award, on Tuesday 7 June, from 5 to 6 pm CET, at the Alanus University in Bonn/Alfter. The public talk will be in Spanish with German translation.