
About Nature by Kaija Kiuru

“My eyes are fixed to the distant point where the mire and the forest meet, I can see the blue silhouette of Oratunturi Fell arching behind them. Crooked birches stand on peat islets running through the mire, I feel the rich smell of the mire in my nose. The sky is wide, and the earth. And the mind.”- Kaija Kiuru

Ice Works by Maureen Gruben

“Caribou ribs separating from the cage is the same sound as tundra cranberries separating from the vine. When you are open to the land, it speaks to you.” says Inuvialuk artist Maureen Gruben, from her hometown of Tuktoyatuk in the Western Arctic.


Albemarle by Caridad Svich

Ever since I’ve been here, tending to this wreck of a place, 
my anger’s become a mountain. I scale it every day. 
Good for the muscles, they say. Poison for the mind. (you) 
Need to lie down for a while, rest those bones. Amazing you’re still alive…

Infinite Mosaic Galleries - Image of Cancale by Leo-Paul Ridet

Cancale by Léo-Paul Ridet

My family comes from a mountainous region. The seaside never felt particularly appealing nor welcoming to me. But with a new family of my own, I have been coming to this region of Brittany over and over again. Taking pictures of this coast and its people…