Month: May 2022

Listening to Nemonte Nenquimo in Bonn

Come and listen to Nemonte Nenquimo, Indigenous Waorani leader, winner of the United Nations’ Champions of the Earth Award, on Tuesday 7 June, from 5 to 6 pm CET, at the Alanus University in Bonn/Alfter. The public talk will be in Spanish with German translation.

Taking part in Ecotopia in Berlin

Visit Ecotopia, an immersive and interactive exhibition about our eco-future, led by a Berlin-based artists collective, in Berlin from 15 May to 3 July 2022. The One Resilient Earth team will host ‘Earth Lovers Circles’ during the New European Bauhaus Festival on 11-12 June.

Feeling climate emotions at the Wellbeing Summit

Take part in the Wellbeing Summit in Bilbao-Biscay on 31 May – 3 June, and join our session to feel and reflect on climate emotions, as well as on the role of the arts and deep listening to restore emotional and mental health.