Our 2022 Annual Report is out! Check out all the new projects we co-led and events we organized to support an ever larger number of (young) people in building climate resilience and transforming societies through regeneration.
Here you can find our 2022 Annual Report.
2022 was fulfilling year for One Resilient Earth, with the launch of ‘Flourish!’ our youth learning journey for climate resilience and regeneration; our ‘Festival Sustainability Lab’ on resilience, regeneration and innovation; as well as Re-Storying Landscapes in a Changing Climate. We were also thrilled to help grow the skillset and capacities of young people with the United Nations Climate Change secretariat and at the Wadden Sea natural heritage site.
In the report, you can read about our different core projects and their multiple impacts on our learners and their community. We also share information on our mission, vision and goals, our team, partners and financials.
In case you wish to explore the full history of One Resilient Earth, please find our previous annual reports below.
If you would like to support our work, please consider donating. For questions, or to discuss a possible collaboration, please reach out via contact@oneresilientearth.org.