Laureline Simon

Founder Laureline has worked on climate change mitigation and adaptation at the international level since 2006. At the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, she supported the setting up of the Local Communities and Indigenous People’s platform, a task force on population displacements related to climate change, and coordinated Resilience Frontiers, a pioneering collective intelligence process bringing together thought leaders in the fields of digital technology and sustainability. She started her career with the INGO SEWA in India, where women taught her a lot about resilience. She draws inspiration from nature and her two children, who help her daily to take better care of the Earth.

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Futures Literacy and the Arts for Transformative Climate Action On 3-5 September 2024, join a certified Futures Literacy course co-designed by the UNESCO Chair on Futures Literacy at Hanze University and One Resilient Earth. Participants will acquire Futures Literacy skills to grow their own resilience and creativity, and learn new processes and tools to engage in transformative climate action.

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Become a Climate Circle Host Join our new online training ‘Become a Climate Circle Host’ on June 11th, 2024, if you want to support the well-being of fellow climate workers, friends and community members, through collective care practices. No matter what your background is, if you care about climate change and people, you are welcome to join!

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All Our Climate Circles Join one of our weekly climate circles for citizens and professionals taking action to address climate change around the world. The circles help unite, share, listen, learn from each other, and grow together the courage and resilience to keep on doing the work. Check out the climate circle that works best for you!

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Our 2022 Annual Report

click here Check out our latest annual report! We present the impacts of all the arts, culture, and education projects we launched to help (young) people grow climate resilience and foster societal transformation through regeneration.

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Becoming Climate Artivists

source site A creative learning journey for Europe-based youth to develop the knowledge and the skills you need to engage in transformative climate work and foster resilience. Learn how you can access the educational material and learning community created from January to April 2024.


Restorying Landscapes in a Changing Climate ‘Restorying Landscapes in a Changing Climate’ explores how artists and culture bearers can support communities in building long-term climate resilience and regenerating their ecosystems, both in the UK and the Philippines. This project is a collaboation between the Living Story Landscapes Project, the Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking, and One Resilient Earth, with the support of the British Council.

Flourish! A Youth Learning Journey of Climate Resilience and Regeneration

go A youth learning journey to foster climate resilience and regeneration through inspiring stories, powerful artworks, impactful tools and an online community. Interactive workshops targeted Europe-based youth but remained open to all students, activists and young professionals around the world. A short-video series with key messages of the learning journey is online!

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