We offer weekly climate circles for people around the world to unite, share, listen, learn from each other, and grow together the courage and resilience to keep on engaging with climate change. Feel free to register for one climate circle here.
A Climate Circle provides a safe virtual space for individuals taking action to address climate change and environmental degradation. It gives a chance to offload some of the emotional weight we may take on during our daily activities, and cannot talk about in the workplace or with our friends and relatives.
It provides an opportunity to share openly about injustice, exhaustion, frustration, grief, but also joy, hope and critical experiences, within a supportive community of purpose.
Circles gather climate-conscious citizens, climate workers (e.g. students, professionals, activists…) from various generations, any parts of the world and from fields as diverse as arts, science, education, tech, industry, finance, community organizing, as well as social and humanitarian work.
when and where?
Here are the Circles currently being hosted:
- Climate Workers Circle with Laureline Simon on Tuesdays at 2-3 pm EST/8-9 pm CET.
- Youth Climate Circle with Hanna Jerz and Myrina Gkolesi on Thursdays every other week at 8-9pm CET/ 2-3 pm EST.
- Climate Circle with inabel on Fridays at 3pm PST/ 6pm EST/ midnight CET.
Inspired by the practice of Indigenous “talking circles” from so-called North America, the circle builds on the following principles:
- Creating a space for deep listening and being heard
- Honoring all voices equally
- Telling stories and sharing experiences
- Generating mutual understanding, respect and support
- Honoring the gifts, knowledge, talents and experiences of each member
- Building community
In practice, the circle members gather for one hour, to share stories openly with the group, or just listen in and hold space for others to do so. No questions asked. No feedback beyond gratefulness for taking part.
All circles can be accessed for free thanks to the generous support of volunteers. This enables us to provide emotional support to all those who feel the need to participate. However, if you can support our work and help us run circles more often each week, please donate.
would you like to host a climate circle?
We are also continuing to host trainings to become a circle host. Here you can learn more and register for the next session as soon as it is published.
Photgraph by Gleb Kozenko
The Climate Circles are peer-support spaces dedicated to emotions felt in relation to the climate crisis and to climate action. Climate Circle hosts do not provide health care, medical care or therapy services, nor do they attempt to diagnose, treat, prevent and/or cure any physical, mental or emotional issues. The information provided by the Climate Circle Host is for informational and educational purposes only: it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider. Participants should always seek advice of their own Medical or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concern they have about their own health. Participants should not disregard medical advice, delay seeking medical advice or start or stop taking medication because of their participation in the climate circle or because of information that was shared by the Climate Circle host. If participants suspect they have a medical or mental health problem, they should contact their Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider promptly.