Speaking at TED Climate Countdown Events

In collaboration with the Community Arts Network, Laureline Simon from One Resilient Earth was invited to talk about science, including Indigenous science, and the arts, at two Climate Countdown events organized by TED. The recording of the TED talk is available below:

In September 2021, TEDxDanubia invited Laureline Simon from One Resilient Earth to join Lucia Pietroiusti of the Serpentine Gallery, and Anis Barnat of the Community Arts Network for their TEDx Countdown Conference. Through a three-part TEDx talk, we explored how artists, scientists including holders of Indigenous knowledge, and ecosystem activators could join forces for transformative change. The TED talk on behalf of One Resilient Earth, which focuses on what we need to to first to address climate change, can be watched below:


At the TED Climate Countdown Summit in Edinburgh in October 2021, we co-designed a ‘breakthrough’ session with the Community Arts Network. We dove deeper into the role of the arts and cultural transformation in re-imagining our world to address the climate crisis. New exciting ideas and conversations were shared among this community of change makers.

Photo credits: TED Countdown Summit
Banner photography: Image of the TEDx talk on One Resilient Earth by Laureline Simon