‘Restorying Landscapes in a Changing Climate’ explores how artists and culture bearers can support communities in building long-term climate resilience and regenerating their ecosystems, both in the UK and the Philippines. This project is a collaboation between the Living Story Landscapes Project, the Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking, and One Resilient Earth, with the support of the British Council.
“There’s no separation between self and other,
and everything is interconnected.
Once you are aware of that
you are no longer caught in the idea
that you are a separate entity.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Latest projects
How can young people care for all living beings in the land and sea that they love? We facilitated the first youth conference for the preservation of the Wadden Sea Natural Heritage site across Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark, in collaboration with the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (Germany).
Be part of the change led by Rwamwanja Rural Foundation, in collaboration with the Permaculture Education Institute, Ethos Foundation, Permayouth, Mutera Global Healing and One Resilient Earth, to scale up regeneration efforts for long-term resilience among refugee populations in East Africa.
From May to June 2020, One Resilient Earth was invited to help design and facilitate virtual workshops on the topic of ‘Pandemic, climate crisis and the uncertain future of local communities in Atlantic Canada,’ as part of a collaboration with the Centre for Local Prosperity, based in Saint Margarets Bay, Canada.
What is Tapestry?
Tapestry is a program by One Resilient Earth that connects people and communities around the world to facilitate their transformation towards resilience through access to new information, questioning, learning, un-learning, joint-explorations, and open sharing.
Through community-led projects, Tapestry supports people willing to regenerate their communities and ecosystems in a climate altered world, by bringing in novel perspectives, fostering transdisciplinary dialogues, and supporting creative or experimental initiatives.
Tapestry is woven with partner organizations and/or local governments from all over the planet, who wish to transform now to prepare for climate instability and environmental change. Each initiative is designed in partnership with One Resilient Earth, in resonance with a time, a place and its people.
What does Tapestry provide?

Opening new perspectives by communicating about climate science and resilience in a creative and accessible way, mobilizing a variety of knowledge systems and cultural practices, and triggering engagement.

Offering deep listening, tested approaches and tools, and support in the design and implementation of a local approach to transformative and regenerative resilience, to meet the people’s needs and dreams for their community and ecosystem.

Connecting people of all ages, origins and backgrounds from communities around the world to support and nourish each other through empathy, open dialogue, peer learning, new collaborations, and artistic initiatives.
Which local partners do we work with?
- Communities in coastal or rural regions willing to address medium- to long-term climate change impacts.
- Communities committed to designing and implementing a transformative and regenerative approach to resilience.
- Communities open to co-creation by bringing together ancient wisdom and new technologies, art and science, old and new generations…
- Communities willing to engage in worldwide partnerships and open information sharing.
We only work with communities who invite us to collaborate, and apply processes related to free, prior and informed consent. If you are from an organization or a local government that resonates with our approach, and would like to learn more about the Tapestry program please contact us at: contact@oneresilientearth.org.