Welcome to Gifts, a series of projects by One Resilient Earth celebrating sharing and the gift economy. Our Gifts projects aim at building or regenerating communities, whether local or transnational.

All the original handcrafted objects or artworks you will find here are made freely available for you to use personally and share in a non-commercial manner. In a gift economy, goods or services are neither traded nor bartered, but given without an agreement on immediate or future rewards. The projects are made possible by the contributions of talented artists from around the world.

If you have ideas on future gift economy projects or if you would like to contribute your work please write to us at: [email protected]

One Resilient Earth Postcards

The postcards are symbols of resilience in times of crisis, and where created or selected by illustrators and artists from various cultures. These postcards are intended to be downloaded, printed and mailed to your loved ones. And if no printer is available, we hope you will be inspired to unleash your own creativity, and that you will enjoy drawing or painting, cutting paper, and writing.

This project was made possible by the generosity of the participating artists. The postcards are free to download. We ask that you do not alter, redistribute, resell or utilize the images in any manner that disrespects the work of the creators.